Sunday, August 13, 2017

Alaska Marine Highway Matanuska - Trip Report

I took the famous but indispensible ferry system that links many of the remote communities along the Alaska coast.

I caught the ferry in Ketchikan after a week long stay.
Although cabins were available (I didn't price them but I'm sure they were out of my budget), I opted for the adventurous route which meant I was on my own for sleeping arrangements.  On this vessel, there are two places you can sleep.  The solarium which is outside but covered with heat lamps and in the recliner lounge.  You could also pitch a tent albeit at your own risk on the deck next to the solarium.  I chose the recliner lounger which was actually quite cold.  Like most, I hit the floor between the seats since it wasn't too crowded on this trip.

My destination was Juneau and there are a few routes from Bellingham or Prince Rupert during the summer.  I ferry I took came from Prince Rupert and was scheduled to stop in Wrangell, Petersburg, Kake and Sitka for a total travel time of 36 hours.  From Ketchikan, there was a faster ferry that bypassed Sitka but since the price was the same, I went with the longer route as it allowed me to do some additional sightseeing and I wanted to see Sitka just to say I've been there.  Plus ferries don't run at the same time every week so this particular routing got me to Juneau in the afternoon instead of 4 in the morning like some routes.

Most of the passengers had vehicles and or RV's and most of those opted for the cabins.  It's quite fascinating watching the process of unloading and loading vehicles at each port.  There was a 40 foot tour bus for the cruise ships, a large front loader, RV's from small to large and a few state vehicles as well as some cargo trailers.  You can really see how many of the remote communities rely on the ferries to bring everything from supplies to equipment to vehicles.

On the Matanuska, there's a cafeteria which serves up three meals a day with a rotating menu. This is not reheated food!  A full kitchen and staff cooks up classics as well as specials.  There was a Reuben sandwich for a dollar so I had to roll the dice on that for a midnight snack.  I also had a cheeseburger with fries which was quite good..  The prices overall were very reasonable and there was something for every budget.  If you happen to not have a budget, you're allowed to bring your own food and there's a microwave and toasters for use free of charge.  I brought a few things to stretch out my budget so it worked out nicely.  And there's not tipping because all employees on board are state employees so a tip would be like a bribe and that's not allowed.  They take cash and credit/debit.

If you're into photography, there's no better way to see Alaska than by ferry or cruise ship.  You'll never know what you'll see.  I saw many bald eagles, a whale and some some deer.  Every trip is different.  And then there's the ever changing landscapes.  It's easy to get click happy and that can cause you to get photo'd out so pace yourself.  Also, be sure to bring warm clothes if you plan on shooting out on the deck.  It gets windy.  Most people shoot outdoors to avoid the reflections and glare of the windows.

In case watching the scenery is not enough for your pleasure, there are TV's in the recliner lounge which show various movies and a documentary about the Alaska Marine Highway.  There's a lounge that used to contain a bar but all of the bars were closed due to budget cuts so now it's just another lounge to sit in.  Sort of the quiet room so to speak. You're able to walk around most areas of the ship so you could get exercise as well.  You can also get off at ports and walk around.  Just make sure you take your boarding pass and ID and get back a few minutes before departure.  There was a three hour layover in Sitka so I took a short hike from the nearby trailhead... at 2 in the morning.

For people traveling without a cabin, there are public showers available.  You can't use them in port but once underway, you can use them.  Towels are available for rent but you can save a few bucks and bring your own. The water was surprisingly hot and good pressure.  After a day on the water and the hike in Sitka, it was nice to have a hot shower.

Taking the ferry was on my bucket list and I'm glad I can cross it off.  I would not hesitate to take the ferry again.  June 2017

Alaska Airlines airplane taking off from Petersburg
Alaska Airlines airplane taking off from Petersburg

Outside the Sitka Ferry terminal
Outside the Sitka Ferry terminal

American Flag on the back of the Matanuska
American Flag on the back of the Matanuska

The Matanuska in port in Kake
The Matanuska in port in Kake

The Matanuska in port at Petersburg
The Matanuska in port at Petersburg

Scenic view of the bay near the Sitka ferry terminal
Scenic view of the bay near the Sitka ferry terminal

Outside the Ketchikan ferry terminal in Alaska
Outside the Ketchikan ferry terminal in Alaska

Bald eagle at Ketchikan ferry terminal
Bald eagle at Ketchikan ferry terminal

Pair of bald eagles along the Alaska Marine Highway Ferry route
Pair of bald eagles along the Alaska Marine Highway Ferry route

The shuttered bar on the Matanuska which is now just a lounge
The shuttered bar on the Matanuska which is now just a lounge

Enjoying the recliners on the Matanuska Alaska Marine Highway ferry
Enjoying the recliners on the Matanuska Alaska Marine Highway ferry

Coast Guard helicopter flyby
Coast Guard helicopter flyby

Deer on island in the middle of the inside passage.  How did they get there?!
Deer on island in the middle of the inside passage.  How did they get there?!

$11.75 dinner on the Matanuska consisting of a cheeseburger with fries, a Reuben sandwich which was on sale for a buck and a soda.  Believe it or not, the Reuben was actually very good, well worth the gamble.  The cheeseburger and fries were also great.
$11.75 dinner on the Matanuska consisting of a cheeseburger with fries, a Reuben sandwich which was on sale for a buck and a soda.  Believe it or not, the Reuben was actually very good, well worth the gamble.  The cheeseburger and fries were also great. 

Enjoying the ever changing views on the Matanuska ferry
Enjoying the ever changing views on the Matanuska ferry

Ferry dock in Ketchikan, Alaska
Ferry dock in Ketchikan, Alaska

Getting ready to take a hike near the ferry terminal in Sitka Alaska... at 2 AM
Getting ready to take a hike near the ferry terminal in Sitka Alaska... at 2 AM

Microwave and toasters on the Matanuska are free of charge to use!
Microwave and toasters on the Matanuska are free of charge to use!

Public showers onboard the Matanuska
Public showers onboard the Matanuska

Ferry terminal in Sitka, Alaska. 5 AM
Ferry terminal in Sitka, Alaska. 5 AM

Vehicles waiting to board the Matanuska in Sitka
Vehicles waiting to board the Matanuska in Sitka

Vending machines aboard the Matanuska
Vending machines aboard the Matanuska

Scenic views from the Matanuska
Scenic views from the Matanuska

Scenic views from the Matanuska
Scenic views from the Matanuska

Scenic views from the Matanuska
Scenic views from the Matanuska

Scenic views from the Matanuska
Scenic views from the Matanuska

RV being loaded onto Matanuska in Wrangell, Alaska
RV being loaded onto Matanuska in Wrangell, Alaska

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All photos taken by Paul Clough.  
© All Rights Reserved.  Please contact for permission to use photos.

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