Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Apps I use: Tunity (listen to audio on your smartphone from a TV you can't hear)

Have you ever been at a restaurant, bar or a waiting room with a silent TV but you wished you could hear the audio?  Well, with the Tunity app, you can!  I run into this situation a lot at sports bars.  They'll only have the audio on for the main game but I usually want to watch another game and have to settle for just the visuals rather than the full effect.  But with the Tunity app, I can scan the TV I'm watching and have the audio right on my phone.  This app can come in handy for many other situations as well.  You can watch TV in bed with your spouse without disturbing them, sitting in waiting rooms, hear what's going on when watching TV through windows from the sidewalk (if your a sports fan, you've done this) or hear the audio in noisy places like airports which is where I discovered this app.  Sitting in the gate area with CNN in the corner with the audio being drowned out every two minutes from a loud announcement, this app can bring calm during chaos.

You can download the app from the link below.  It's available for both Apple and Android platforms.

Once you've installed the app, you'll be prompted register for free.  Open the app and you'll see the box below.  Make sure the TV is within the box and hit the tap the scan.

Using the Tunity App to scan a TV
Using the Tunity App to scan a TV

For best results, you should fill the box with the TV image.  But the above image was sufficient. 

Screenshot of Tunity app tuned to a channel
Screenshot of Tunity app tuned to a channel

Once you have the channel synced, you can use the backwards and forwards buttons to fine tune the sync.  You may have to play around with this as sometimes your audio feed might be a second or two behind what's on TV.

The only time I've run into issues was with national broadcast networks like Fox, CBS etc or shows that were on multiple channels such as Presidential debates.  In those instances, it would sync to a different channel so the actual show was right but the commercials were not.  This of course is not a big deal as I'm not watching TV for the commercials (most of the time anyways).  

Most local affiliates won't be available but you can easily request support within the app.  No word on how often the requests are fulfilled.  Also, even with cable networks, the commercials will occasionally be out of sync due to local ad and national ads but the actual show will always be slotted the same.

All in all, it's a great app that's free with no ads!  Obviously, this app requires internet access as it's streaming audio. 

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All photos taken by Paul Clough.  
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