Tuesday, January 1, 2013

People who take pictures of themselves wearing merchandise at stores

Something I've noticed lately is people at stores who like to take pictures of themselves with merchandise like funky or quirky hat or shirts with catchy slogans and then they leave without buying anything.  Then they post the pictures on social media as if they did buy it.  Really? 

Apparently this is such an epidemic that I've seen signs at different souvenir shops strictly forbidding just that. I guess with the advent of phones with cameras, it has become so easy to snap of picture of just about anything at anytime that we forget that not everything needs to be photographed. 

I’m not sure if it’s just me but I think it’s not only tacky to take a photo of something like at a gift shop, it’s almost stealing.  I mean, you are getting the photographic satisfaction as if you had purchased the item.  What happens when someone down the road wants to see ‘that’ hat or shirt but then of course you don’t really have it, doesn’t that make you look like a fool?  I think so.  Then on the store’s behalf, people who constantly handle the merchandise without buying it damage the merchandise which causes lost revenue.  So do yourself and businesses a favor.  Just buy it!

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All photos taken by Paul Clough.  
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