Saturday, April 27, 2013

Oblivion: IMAX vs Regular **Spoilers**

The post-apocalyptic genre is quite crowded this year and Oblivion will set the bar high. 

This is truly an epic sci-fi movie for the ages.  I know that’s a pretty bold statement for anyone to say, especially coming from an ordinary Joe who thinks most movies are pretty extraordinary.  The hallmark of a great movie is that it can transport you from your stupid life to something better, more meaningful.  Perhaps you feel the characters, know the characters or even are the characters.  It is this connection you feel to the movie that makes it memorable.  Oblivion is no exception and will stir and prod your imagination. 

How you see a movie can make a significant impact on the experience you feel.  I have seen this movie at a regular theater as well as a converted IMAX (not true IMAX but still much larger screen, resolution and upgraded sound system) and I would highly recommend seeing the IMAX version.  Certain scenes had details cropped out on the regular screen whereas the IMAX gave you the bigger picture.  See example in Spoiler section. 

The epic nature of the film, the spectacular scenery, equally exciting soundtrack and overall context of the film deserves to be seen in IMAX.  I cannot imagine how it will look on my laptop but will look forward to the twentieth anniversary rerelease in 2033. 

The soundtrack by M83 is an epic masterpiece that compliments the already epic picture.  My favorite track would be Oblivion which starts off the credits roll.  After seeing this great film, this song just keeps you in the moment while you exit back to reality. 

**Spoiler Alert!**

I shall sum up the movie in one paragraph:

Basically, the alien (Tet) captured Jack Harper and Vic who were astronauts and then cloned them and brainwashed them to believe that the moon was destroyed which also destroyed much of earth by the scavengers and that all remaining humankind is temporarily living on the Tet before moving to their new home on Titan but then Jack's wife Julia who was also an astronaut returns to earth after being ejected from the cockpit 60 years prior and jogs Jack's repressed memories meanwhile Jack learns the truth that it was the Tet that destroyed the moon and eliminated the human population to harvest the resources on earth and the scavengers are in fact the last remaining humans.

Plot Hole: When Jack 49 visits 52's House

When Jack Harper 49 used Jack Harper 52's copter to visit 52's tower, Jack Harper 49 was still wearing his 49 jacket.  Why didn't Victoria 52 notice this?  Now, here's the tricky part.  On a normal movie screen, you can't see the 49 on the jacket while he is in 52's tower.  However, on an IMAX screen, you can see the 49 on the jacket throughout the scene.  I guess since the IMAX screen displays at a much higher resolution than the standard screen, they cropped out this key scene.  There may be other scenes affected by the cropping but none like this scene. 

In Conclusion:

It seems that we are all just looking to fulfill what we think will make us happy though the end result may not always be what it seems. 

If there is one movie you see this spring, it should be Oblivion and see it in IMAX if you want to give this film justice. 

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All photos taken by Paul Clough.  

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