Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Post Disney World Depression

It’s probably every child’s dream to someday go to Disney World.  Of course not every parent can afford such a trip and many children make do with Six Flags or even the carnival at the State Fair.  I was one of those who never made it as a child.  My mom, bless her heart, just couldn’t afford it.  It happens.  So, fast forward to last year.  I took my mother to Disney World for my first time and her second time, she went like shortly after it opened in the 70’s. 

Having talked about going for several years, I thought this would just be a quick in and out trip.  Being thirty two years old, it was merely another check off my bucket list.  I’ve seen the shows about Disney World, I’ve seen countless photos on Flickr.  I thought I knew what to expect.  I thought I knew what to see.  But once you get on Disney World property, you enter a totally different reality.  All your cares just vanish and you are on YOU time.  You do whatever you want.  I suppose my trip was more enjoyable as an adult since I could drink alcohol, except in Magic Kingdom of course. 

I felt we did about everything we could possibly do in five days.  We saw the Cirque du Soleil show, La Nouba.  We explored downtown Disney.  We ate dinner at Raglan Road Irish Pub (I’ve read about it for years and had to go).  We only made it to Magic Kingdom, Disney Hollywood Studios and spent two days at Epcot.  Animal Kingdom just didn’t fit into our schedule but maybe next time.  We even rode the Magical Express bus back to the airport which was an ending fit for a fairy tale. 

Probably the most memorable moment of the entire trip was the second night where we spent the entire day at Magic Kingdom which was technically the first park visit as well.  My mother HAD to ride the teacups and the flying dumbos, her fondest memories from her last trip.  But since we were staying on property at the All Star Music Resort, we were able to spend an extra three hours in the park after closing.  Walking down Main Street at one in the morning with hardly a soul around (if you could even believe that), seeing the Cinderella castle with its ever-changing glowing lights, listening to the park closing announcements (even those are whimsical) and seeing the few remaining cast members waving goodbye to everyone, at that moment my Disney World dream was a reality and I knew I would never forget that moment. 

So this all happened six months ago.  I remember that one commercial with the little girl talking about her trip to strangers as if she just returned but her mother had to clarify that it was like six months ago.  That’s how I feel today.  Call it a long lasting hangover, post trip depression, it’s still with me strong!  Of course, the simple solution would be to go back but I just can’t spend three grand every year.  I have plenty of photos to reminisce.  Lots and lots of plush, pins, Mickey Mouse shaped ice cubes in every drink and lots of other reminders of my fabulous trip.  I suppose I will always want to go back and perhaps one day I will.  I go to the Disney Store every chance I get and buy even more mementos.  Honestly, before going to Disney World, I was never that into Mickey Mouse but now I’ve been to his world, I want more and more! 

There may not be a cure for post Disney World depression and I’m sure it will pass someday, probably the next time I go.  But for now, I relish the memories and hope everyone can experience the magic that Disney World creates each and every day. 

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All photos taken by Paul Clough.  
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