Thursday, December 6, 2018

theTAILlor at Midwest Furfest (MFF) 2018

Thoughts from a dealer about MFF 2018

dealer's den, mff, midwest furfest, theTAILlor, 2018
theTAILlor in the Dealer's Den at MFF 2018

 MFF 2017 was my first furry convention ever.  I was getting ready to start selling my tails but wanted to make sure my tails would fit in.  It was a great experience that not only validated my hope to sell tails but also made me realize I wasnt the only furry in the world, not that I had any doubts.

Fast forward a year and a few hit or miss conventions thst I sold at, I had super high hopes for Midwest Furfest 2018.  I had several new products and my widest selection of tails to date.  But the shear scale of the dealer's den is different when you're setting up your own table.  Unfortunately, being from out of state, I'm limited on how much product and display equipment I can bring, especially since I dont have a car either.

But I feel my display was the best it could have been. While I new there were going to be other tail makers, it didn't occur to me that the shear scale would make it hard for customers to navigate.  TOO many choices!  While my brand is growing, most people werent familiar with me but my fun slogans certainly got some giggles.

Thankfully, I did sell a lot of product ans handed out a lot of business cards so hopefully my name is getting out there.

Check out the photos I took and the video above!

I am looking forward to trying again at Midwest Furfest 2019!

dealer's den, mff, midwest furfest, theTAILlor, 2018
theTAILlor in the Dealer's Den at MFF 2018

dealer's den, mff, midwest furfest, theTAILlor, 2018
Curved tail made by theTAILlor

dealer's den, mff, midwest furfest, theTAILlor, 2018
Ringtail tailmade by theTAILlor

dealer's den, mff, midwest furfest, theTAILlor, 2018, uv, tail
UV Ultra Violet Tail made by theTAILlor

mff, midwest furfest, theTAILlor, 2018, rosemont, convention, center
Rosemont Convention Center two days after MFF 2018.

mff, midwest furfest, theTAILlor, 2018, rosemont, convention, center
Rosemont Convention Center two days after MFF 2018.  The starbucks wasn't even open!

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All photos taken by Paul Clough.  
© All Rights Reserved.  Please contact for permission to use photos.

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