Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Is Bird Person Morty's Father? (Rick & Morty fan theory)

In episode 1.5, Jerry states that he got Beth pregnant but Beth says yeah in a manner that suggests he may not have or may not even know.

In episode 2.5, when Morty is with Bird Person, a photo is shown with a younger Rick holding a baby boy wearing a yellow shirt and when Morty asks who that is, Bird Person dodges the question. Bird Person also states that Rick is the reason he knows Morty which suggests that Rick introduced Beth to Bird Person at some point which is how Morty was conceived.

Now one could argue that this couldn't be since in episode 2.10, Beth talks with Bird Person and it's clear that they do not know each other.  BUT... it could have been a Beth from another dimension and Rick has asked Bird Person not to talk about it.
I think more to the backstory will be revealed in episode 3.5!

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